Last week, I finally fell to the powers of peer pressure and downloaded TikTok. Thankfully it was a holiday and I had no obligations that day because I spent *drumroll please* 5 hours and 43 minutes scrolling through videos. I’ve seen enough people dumpster dive for a lifetime and other questionable things people record on their phones.

Initially, I downloaded it for the hype of #CleanTok and plant videos a few of my friends told me about. I love learning about new cleaning hacks or tools, but I was slightly overwhelmed with the whole app. I did absorb an awful lot that day, but I truly missed the interaction with friends and family on my other social media accounts.
I’ve often debated leaving Facebook & Instagram all together and using another social media like TikTok sporadically. However, the thought struck me that I’d really be trading one evil time-suck for another. I do my daily check-in and review memories on Facebook and I can be fine for hours, but TikTok was designed to keep you engaged. But here’s the main point, I truly worry about the future. Earlier this winter I witnessed a group of young people trying to get a perfect take on a dance move in a public parking lot while being oblivious to cars trying to enter and exit the lot.
Are we so engrossed in getting x number of views or likes that we abandon all common sense?
I’m sure I’m not the main target audience for this particular app, but I know a time waster when I see it. Hopefully, others will open their eyes and see it too.