Last year, I chose a “Word of the Year”. A single word to embody my goals & hopes for the coming year ahead. 2021’s word was ‘Hungry’. I was hungry for life, health, closer relationships, the word of God and normalcy.

This year, I’ve chosen ‘Hungrier’ for my “Word of the Year for 2022”. I’m craving more than I did last year. I want more normalcy, more fun, continue to have closer relationships with those I’ve chosen to be part of my inner circle and grow as a Christian. I want more from 2022. It felt as if 2021, I was constantly catching my breath or treading water, just trying to get through the year. I realized late last year that I needed to be more organized in order to be more successful with hitting my goals.
I’ve been journaling (almost daily) since late spring, I had read a book that encouraged writing “morning pages”, which is basically a brain dump onto paper. It’s been extremely helpful for putting down thoughts and ideas, along with jotting down to-do’s, checklists and whatnot. I took my morning pages a step further and incorporated a weekly to-do/checklist on Sundays. I use a lined 4x6 index card and list all the things I need or have to accomplish during the week. Watering my houseplants, writing a letter, Pilates 3x a week, Journal at least 3x a week, plan homeschool lessons, print a document, self-care, appointments, meal planning and anything else that I don’t want to slip through the cracks during the week. This practice has been extremely helpful for staying on task and I’ve paired my checklist with a cleaning app (FlyLady) to help keep on top of housework. These are two things that I’ve consistently done during 2021 and know that I’ll bring forward into this year.
Earlier this week, I watched a quick video from The Daily Connoisseur on utilizing a journal to achieve your dreams/goals. She outlined 5 simple steps to obtaining your goals for the year. I thought it brilliant, since I’m trying my best not to rely on technology so much this year and go back to pen and paper. I’ve ordered my new pocket planner, a new magnetic menu planner for the side of the fridge and have every intention to meet my goals for the year ahead.

I have so many little goals floating around in my head, waiting for the big brainstorming session and be put on paper. I want to read more books this year, grow more flowers, learn new hobbies, perfect old hobbies, complete half-finished projects (I’m looking at you paint by number from 2018.) and so much more. However, none of it will get accomplished without utilizing the steps from The Daily Connoisseur listed here below.
Write down your goal(s).
Visualize the end, as if it’s already happened.
Schedule the action steps in your planner.
Set a deadline to achieve your goals.
Do the action steps and check them off.
Bonus—Be careful who you share your goals with. Not everyone has your best intentions at heart.
Simple as that. Write them down, envision, set deadlines and take action. I love the simplicity of it and the straightforwardness. Get straight to the nitty-gritty and see what’s possible. Here’s to putting your best foot forward in 2022!